jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Studying Industrial Design

When you study Industrial Design in the University of Chile, I think you have to develop many skills to approve all branches at the same time. It’s very difficult to pass all of them because they are so many and each teacher tend to talk about different things instead of relate them to a single project in common.

First of all, I think you have to be emotionally strong to not get disappointed when you go badly. In this three years I really get disappointed many times and wanted to throw everything to hell, but I couldn’t because I’m not the one who pays my studies, is my mother. So in the second place I think you have to be conscious with your parent’s wallet.

Ok, in this career you need to be informed about all new technologies around the world, new materials and artifacts that could be considerate on new processes in projects of design. Also you have to be permanently filling an encyclopedia inside our minds about user’s profiles, material’s costs and a lot of technical concepts.

Well, some of the things I’ve applied are to be organized and constant. These two techniques have helped me not to reprove any branch until now. Being organized with time and work and being constant with the long projects that tend to be boring. It’s difficult to approve branches with good marks because if dedicate your time to a single one, you’ll do badly on other.

Ok, that’s all for now.

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