miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Practicing English

Today our teacher recomended us an english page called BBC, so we could practice and learn more about this interesting and very useful language. We can use it to pronunce better, to try to incorporate new words and remember tenses that were forgotten, but the important thing is not to stop practicing so we can reach a better level.
I really liked the Quizzes section, in wich you can test all your knowledge by using some applications that when they're finished they show the score you deserve. I tried a "complete the sentence" test with questions about airports, but i got a terrible score... 1 out of 6 good answers, so I have a lot to learn! Anyways, i think that quiz was very difficult for my english level.
Well, another application I founded interesting is the BBC Wordmaster, another quiz about completing sentences, but this is more interactive than the others. There you have to play against time and it is possible to use some clues if you're stuck, but they discount time.
Ok, thats all for now.
I will try to improve my grammar and pronunciation to beat that awful score!

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


Choose Life.

This is the main idea of this movie. It show us how a group of adolescents spend their lifes abusing of drugs and how they begun a life full of problems. In the story, the main character tries to clean up his life and get out drugs, leaving his friends that were the direct influence of that bad ideas.
This move was based on a book writen some years before it came out in 1996. This group lived in Scotland's capital and their were addicts to a narcotic called Heroin. They pass through a bunch of problems, but the addiction doesn't gave any time to stop and think about solutions or future events. After a long time being sink in that hole, the main character became aware of the situation a decide to stop it at once. Thats why the moral that give us is to "chose life", the real life, not the one you got when you consume drugs excessively. I agree with that, but not only with drugs, with work too, and all type of things that are realized excessively, they make us to spend our life and the pretty side of the free time, enjoying friends and family.
It's a very funny film with many crazy scenes that make it interesting. The music played is awsome, because is very important at the moment of emotional scenes.

I recomend you to see this crazy movie full of funny adventures that leave us a nice moral.

See you in the sea.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

"My" Earthquake

I was in a friend's house enjoying a nice and loudly party with a lot of friends. I remember i was playing the role of the Dj sitting in front of the computer and selecting music when someone started to shout -"the floor is moving!". At the begining, only a few of us picked attention to his shouts, but rapidly all of us realized that the floor was really shaking and we run out the house to the front garden and waited until it finished.

We were out of lights, so inmediatly after the chaos we turned on the car's radio to listen what was happening. In the moment of the earthquake i didn't realize its impact and intensity, and all the disasters it left us. Our counrty was totally paralized, communications and roads too.

That date changed a hole way of making things and established a different way to treat other persons and nature. Never, in the history of Chile, people were as generous as in these days. The earthquake turned our society ways to treat others, now we are more helpful and nice persons. Schools and hospitals are free for now, they give education to any children or pay attention to any patient with injuries and money doesn't matter. Maybe social earthquakes should come more often...