miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Practicing English

Today our teacher recomended us an english page called BBC, so we could practice and learn more about this interesting and very useful language. We can use it to pronunce better, to try to incorporate new words and remember tenses that were forgotten, but the important thing is not to stop practicing so we can reach a better level.
I really liked the Quizzes section, in wich you can test all your knowledge by using some applications that when they're finished they show the score you deserve. I tried a "complete the sentence" test with questions about airports, but i got a terrible score... 1 out of 6 good answers, so I have a lot to learn! Anyways, i think that quiz was very difficult for my english level.
Well, another application I founded interesting is the BBC Wordmaster, another quiz about completing sentences, but this is more interactive than the others. There you have to play against time and it is possible to use some clues if you're stuck, but they discount time.
Ok, thats all for now.
I will try to improve my grammar and pronunciation to beat that awful score!

3 comentarios:

  1. a very good website I think, people could learn a lot practising their english with resources like this.

  2. you have to get a 6 of 6 answer once we finish this semester!! :D or it will haunt you forever xD

    Also, thanks for the earphones :P

  3. Good post Eduardo! Maybe next time you0ll get 2 out of 6 and the third time 3, and the 4th, four and so on....
