miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Growing out of Creativity

After watching Sir Ken Robinson speech about Schools Kill Creativity, I think I'm in completely agreement with his words. Nowadays we are losing one of the better sources of creativity because our way of education. Instead of making stronger children abilities and difersifying knowledge, we are making equal minds and cutting capacities that many childs really can develop. As it's sayed in the video, "All children are born artists", what I really think is true because when you are younger you don't know all the types of laws and rules that you learn when you grow up, and I think breaking them is a choise to make creativity things. Children aren't afraid of making mistakes and going wrong, the opposite happens when we get older, we are afraid of all type of mistakes, making us a lot of questions and complicating our lifes. There is another sentence that I liked of the video: "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you would never come up with anything original", what I think is completely true.

Let's listen our children ideas, sometimes they are not that bad us we think they are, let's educate them but also making stronger their abilities and increase their capacities. When you are child, nothing is wrong until an adult tell it.

see you!

2 comentarios:

  1. yo!

    I’m gonna comment in your post

    yeah i'm gonna do that...

    eh wait...what I was about to do?

    oh shut I forgot

    Nice blog

    keep posting


    All right!

    bye =D

  2. Hi Eduardo
    Sounds like you had a nice childhood and that is always nice...
